Ayşegül Çorok

What are some of your favourite productivity podcasts or blogs to follow?

Hello everyone! It could also be about productivity, or what podcasts do you love to listen to that motivate you?

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roger daniel
Umm... Michael Hyatt a well-known productivity coach and author, and i love to read his blogs on topics such as leadership, productivity, and personal development.
Chad Lynch
I love tuning into The Tim Ferriss Show and reading the articles on Todoist's blog, which inspire me to optimize my productivity and stay motivated.
Igor Lysenko
I listen to old recordings of coaches, or psychologists. The main thing is that the meaning is clear and probably even logical.
I like Robin Sharma's, The everyday hero manifesto podcast & 10% Happier is my go to immediate reset button with a lethargic day. I just do a guided mindful meditation mid-day and am all geared up.
David J. Kim
Andrew Huberman. Highly recommend this video: