What apps do you use to stay organised?


Over the years, I've tried 15+ apps to help find some form of discipline and process but never found the sweet spot. Now I use a combination of Notion, TickTick, Google apps and now a sprinkling of Freedom to keep me focused. What about you?

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Nathan Weinstock
I really like the eesel chrome extension. It automatically groups together webpages that you visit and helpes me keep my broswer much cleaner and more organised
@nathan_weinstock ooooooo this is interesting. I'll be checking this out, thanks!
Jenny Zhai
Sometimes pen and paper really does the trick for me 😄
@jenny_zhai 😲 It's hard to beat in the moment. I've leaned on David Seah's Emergent Task Planner a lot https://davidseah.com/node/the-e... there's something reassuring in committing to physical media.
Lauren Thomas
@jenny_zhai You KNOW it's a big day when the pen and paper has to come out!
Nadir Arda Oral
Trello. Since we started using it, we have started to handle our work in a much more practical way. Furthermore, everyone is aware of their tasks. On the other hand, I'm still looking for an application that will discipline myself, I tried many applications but I was not successful. I am waiting for your suggestions!
@arda_finsmart Trello is great and still one of the most effective ways of managing life and projects for me. I've tried Kanbans in other apps and it's not the same.
Elizabeth Obee
@arda_finsmart I agree - Trello is my go-to. Love it.
Zhiyuan Ju
@arda_finsmart I'm using TickTick, it includes the Calendar and Todos :)
Gary Zurnamer
I've come full circle after many failed revisions: 1. To-dos: Any.do 2. Notes: Apple native app (was previously Evernote) 3. Pen and paper each morning for daily focus / to-do list
ClickUp. Format: Online, Mac Desktop, iOS & Android mobile apps...Our Financial Consultant & Advisor will help you plan & save for your financial goals. Visit us now!
Tess Meskin
Either my Notes app on my phone (for ease of visibility between my laptop and mobile), or the conventional pen and paper.
Mariah Williamson
Hey Ian, great question. I use a multitude of apps that help me to stay focused/organized. I use Momentum to plan out my week, Asana for a closer look at tasks within each day, and Pomofocus.io to help with focusing on those tasks.
Sakshi Gahlawat
Old school pen and paper!
Kristen Lindenmayer
ClickUp. Format: Online, Mac Desktop, iOS & Android mobile apps. Any.do. Format: Online, iOS & Android mobile apps. Sunsama. Trello. Clockify. Todoist.
Kate Dalessi
For a disorganized person apps bring in even more chaos - there is no order in life AND in the app:)
Ghost Kitty
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Rahul Jain
Notion, Calendar and Sublime Text.
Jade Mackenzie
Ohhh subscribing to this thread. Trello, the Notes app on my Mac and good old Google Calendar are my go-to's. Keen to check out some of the other app shared here though!
Just my Notes, pages on mac, to make to-do lists
Tibor Szantai
Google Calendar
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
old school paper notebook. If I bothered righting something down there, it's important. It feels important and it's easy to check it. Yeah, it's not synced, but I tend to forget anything that is automatically uploaded to the cloud and synced without me noticing it.
Micheal Andeson
They can turn your phone into a serious timesaver. 1. Google Keep. To begin, you'll need a note-taking app where you can consolidate your scribbles, lists, and fragmented notes. 2. Smarter Time. 3. Todoist. 4. Habit List. 5. Pocket.
Julian Burr
Used Google Keep and now Notion for a lot of things because it's easy to stay synced with multiple devices and to share with others. But tbh I always find myself coming back to handwritten notebooks. Just so much easier for quick todo lists and regular journaling to keep the chaos in my head manageable 😅🙃
Angelo Alessio
Arc Browser has been a game changer for organizing tabs and just a better overall browser experience.
Jennifer McKnight
I prefer Google apps.