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  • Want to have AI handle your LinkedIn messages and outreach?

    Sergios Charalambous
    5 replies
    Comment below and I can send you access!


    Salar Davari
    Definitely not. I'd rather communicate with my clients/followers myself. AI is great but not for every task!
    Sergios Charalambous
    @salar__davari so is your fear that it will not be human enough?
    Tatiana Vdovychenko
    Yes. We do not delegate this task AI completely, but artificial intelligence helps us with ideas and analyzing pages of potential customers. Here you can look at the fact that we are at JetSoftPro, a software service, came up and implemented: https://jetsoftpro.com/success-s...
    Sergios Charalambous
    @t_vdovychenko would you use a software to automate all chats?
    Not really! Would make the experience really fake and phoney to say the least!