André J

Tower of Babylon syndrome 🗼


I think you need a reset. Instead of making ever longer todo list. Just start over, with the intimate knowledge of your first attempt. This time keep it simple. Life is about being open to the chances that is presented for you. If you are busy all the time you'll miss out on all these opportunities that wooosh by. Not even knowing they past you. I think all people/companies need to reset / re-evaluate what the heck they are doing more often. We build up this huge clusters of obligations, when we really should be simplifying and making a leaner life / company. What's your routine on resetting, reevaluating your self? Do you do it. Do you wish you did it more often? Or maybe there was a time you wish you had? Share your story down bellow 👇

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ᗰᗩ᙭ ᒍ.
My self reset comes in when one day of the week I see I’m going to bed at 5am, and have to reset back to a morning routine 😂
Cara (Borenstein) Marin
Really well said, André! This is exactly what we did at the end of last year. We saw that our growth was slow so we went back to the drawing board to see where we could have a bigger impact in the docs / note-taking space given what we've learned. 2+ years of the old product got us to 11K users. 2 weeks into the new product and we've already exceeded this at 14K users. It was painful to do the reset but definitely worth it.
André J
@stash_new 🧘 "Reset mindset" FTW 🚀.... and wow. that is amazing results! It must be true what they say then: "You should always work on the problem you keep putting off" 😅 and is really cool ✨