Khagani Bayramov

The way of asking support from community members

Hello dear PH community members, Lately, I've been receiving numerous messages on LinkedIn from product makers seeking support for their launches. While it's essential for us, as members of the same community, to support each other's work and offer praise, I've noticed a trend of messages lacking personal introductions and greetings, consisting solely of template texts asking for support. I believe many of you might find this type of outreach peculiar—like someone approaching you on the street without a simple "Hello" first. Firstly, it's crucial for these makers to understand that such an approach can be perceived as disrespectful to the individuals they are seeking support from. Taking a moment to address members by name and demonstrating the importance of their help can go a long way. Secondly, this kind of careless act may also indicate a lack of attention to detail and negligence toward their own launches. In conclusion, I urge everyone to exercise common sense and extend my best wishes to all for your respective works.

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Ashley from Shadow
We all know how to spot out a copy and paste email so adding personalizations is key!! Cater to who you're speaking to. It may take some time but it's helpful in the long run.m
100% of had people that don’t even say hey Slim. They just say hey. Typical copy paste without any basic personalization. I get it’s all about numbers. But to me it’s quality over quantity! I literally spend hours everyday getting to know people before I launch on Monday to reach out. Side note, still waiting for you to accept my LinkedIn connection my friend :)
Khagani Bayramov
@slimmy82 You spot on, Slim! It's the way how it should be. Oh, sorry. Dozens of connection requests have been stacked. I will do now :) Update: Aw, accidentally rejected instead of accepting. Just sent you a connection request. Update #2: Subscribed to your launch.
Jamie L
You've hit the nail on the head, Khagani; personal touches make all the difference in community support. I'll definitely keep your advice in mind for more meaningful interactions!
In the fast-paced, instant gratification, need-to-get-this-now world we live in, common courtesies and manners are many times overlooked — sometimes innocently forgotten; other times they just aren't learned. After being in online business for about 15 years now, I've seen this so many times... and, admittedly, I've been guilty of it myself at times. In the movie, Confidence, there is a quote I love: "It only takes a moment to be polite" Nowadays, it takes a conscious effort to do so — but, it's certainly something we all can practice. Thank you for sharing this post! It's a great reminder to all of us... even if the 'common sense' of it isn't always recognized.
Alex AI
Totally agree! It's great to hear from someone who values community support and respectful communication. Your observation about the importance of personalization in outreach is spot on. Let's all remember the power of a simple "Hello" and the impact of thoughtful engagement in our interactions!
Lauren Meyer
I find this super frustrating as well. Going beyond personalization, if you're asking strangers who've never heard of you to not only upvote your product but also to signup and try it out, and leave comments, AND share those within my network, the LEAST you can do is get my name right and explain a *little bit* about why you think this might be relevant for me. Still not likely to work on me when I'm approached out of the blue, but at least I'd be willing to take a closer look if it seems relevant.
Khagani Bayramov
@laurenemailgeek Exactly. It feels weird being approached by someone without greeting. Tbh, sometimes I want to skip such people.
You're spot on, Khagani—personal touches make all the difference in community interactions, and it's those genuine connections that often lead to meaningful support. Thanks for the reminder to approach each other with respect and authenticity.
I agree! In general, I like to give some help before asking. In this case, I offer some free resource :)
Khagani Bayramov
Some dudes under this discussion without reading the context I wrote, jumped into giving advice to me how to ask for support lol 😆
Carol Moh
Agree with this for sure! Having just completed a launch this week, I really tried to make my messages personalized and actually have a conversation with the people I asked to support our launch. I also made sure to thank everyone who let me know they supported!
Khagani Bayramov
@carolmoh I know, Carol how dedicated you are to your launch since I have known you in this community. Kudos!
Alisha Widianti
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Khagani! I've seen my fair share of messages similar to this as well on LinkedIn and I appreciate the fact that more and more community members are talking about it. Kudos!
Ghost Kitty
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Ghost Kitty
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Ghost Kitty
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