Viola Schoell

Texting or calling?


I prefer calling over texting because things can often be resolved much more quickly. However, for simple and easily understandable topics, texting is the perfect choice. I also understand that many people dislike calling and prefer to exchange several emails instead of making a short phone call. How about you? What are your thoughts on this?

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Nishi Bhavsar
Always Calling! I agree with your point! In the text, you do not know in which tone you are talking or sometimes you cannot convey. Calling takes less time, efforts and it has accuracy.
Kate Ramakaieva
Texting. +1 to introvert community 😁
It’s an interesting topic, even more now with the hype around Airchat that sort of mixes both « voice and text ». It feels like it s also a generational thing. We went from calls to texts to voice messaging.
Viola Schoell
@toni_pm Good thoughts, you could be right. Personally, I prefer calls over voice messages because I don't like them when they become too long.
Both! Texts to get straightforward messages across and calls if it's more complex.
Jeff Dwoskin
texting. Always texting. :)
Sergios Charalambous
I am more of a call guy when someone gives me his phone number. Via phone you can trigger emotions and build a personal relationship.
Samuel Rondot
Texting. It’s more straightforward, you have more time to think about what you are going to say. But the truth is that call has a better conversion, by far.
Launching soon!
Texting, but not too long
Juliette BEGUE
Both ! Anything but voice messages 🫠
Michael Shver
I agree with your approach! I prefer calling because it's a quicker way to resolve any issue. Besides, calls are necessary when the conversation topic requires opinions and discussions; they flow quicker and more smoothly over calls than in texts, about which people can easily forget. In sales, in particular, calls also help with establishing contact. It's easier to understand what the other person doesn't understand and where they still have questions or doubts. You can also use your charisma more effectively! With texts it's much easier to misinterpret something or miss the actual mood of the person you're talking to and make mistakes in communication.
Adejoke Yinka
Andre Yang
Oliver Thomes
Always calling
Ling Tien
Christian Gyenes
First briefing as text and after calling with optional texting
Boris Markarian
Texting 80% Calling 20%
Maurizio Isendoorn
"calling when in haste, texting to easily paste"
Garen Orchyan
Luka Brzin
The older i get, the more i love calling. It's easier, more personal and you can share more information in a shorter period of time. However, if i talk about something important, i always tell them to also text me the important parts afterwards soo that i have it written somewhere.
Michael Gonzalez
Always texting