Julia Engelsmann

Sweet or salty breakfast?


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Rodney J. Belcher
Sweet breakfast
Divine Rivers
Ideally a sweet, southern breakfast...Pancakes, pecan waffles, eggs with jelly, honey-roasted bacon. All smothered in syrup. BUT I intermittent fast during my mornings, so I hadn't had a breakfast like this in almost 10 months. 😃
Aristo Coutinho
I really love french tost
Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
In France, usually we eats sweet breakfast but sometimes I give a chance to salty ;)
Andre Yang
I dont like sweet so i eat salty breakfast
Audrey Jake
Sunil Ayar
I don't like breakfast
Ignas Vaitukaitis
salty + coffee
Joshua Moffitt
I like sweets, like fruit, but try to be strict on avoiding added sugar in my breakfast since it makes me bloat :(
Jasmine Butters
salty break fast
Philip Osei
Well.... what is peanut butter considered???
Kevan Williams
SALTY! With hot sauce :P
a mixture of both but mostly salty
Ricardo Batista
Salty, my body cannot handle so much sugar!
Callum Jones
All the evidence says you should start the day with salty (glucose management), but i just cant help it... sweet it is