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  • Should I start blogging?

    Asrul Hanafi
    5 replies
    I created resmume.com a year ago and now the landing page is ranked on google search results especially in my region (Indonesia). I have never post a blog after resmume.com was released. I glad the resmume.com has a lot traffic from it, but I'm worried should I start blogging to keep the rank?


    Louis Garnier
    It's an excellent way to share your knowledge and passions, develop your online presence and even generate income. However, it takes time and discipline.
    Dallas Steven
    Use proper SEO strategies when creating blog content. This includes using relevant keywords, optimizing meta descriptions, ensuring fast page loading, and having a mobile-friendly website such as https://superfoamusa.com/.
    Dzmitry Tsemirau
    f you regularly create useful and high-quality content for your audience and redirect them to your site, then of course blogging makes sense.
    Swaraj Sahu
    Yes. Must. The more traffic you have, the more customers you'll get. When you solve someone's problem in a blog post, that creates a lot of impact.
    Daniel Zaitzow
    It is more about building a library but if you're looking for immediate overnight results - blogging is not the optimal strategy.