Oleg Yusupov

Share your prompt guide to chatGPT / Midjourney / Stable Diffsuion


We create library of educational materiasl https://library.phygital.plus/ma... and will be glad to add some new stuff: prompt guide, awesome list etc

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Zoia Vashkevich
I'd love to see tutorials for NN
Oleg Yusupov
@zoya_golubeva something like this
tutorial about Dreambooth ?
My guide is follows: Start big > redefine > redefine > redefine > redefine This way it allows me to keep drilling in if I don't have the result i'm looking for. Once I do I then take offline and redefine manually What about yourself?
Oleg Yusupov
@heynigee if we are talking about generate images - i like prompt search, that image-to-prompt and than redefine. at this moment testing chatGPT assistant in this
Daria Wind
I generally start writing prompts for Stable Diffusion according to this structure: medium - subject - what does and where - style and keywords
Oleg Yusupov
@dariawind i didn't see a structure