David May

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I don't know how y'all do it..I have a Product Hunt Launch day hangover...so many emotions The support has amplified my love for the project and Building in Public is incredible..I have made many friends I this short time, and I will share a 48 hr wrap up tomorrow ..but to wake up to evermore product votes, and hey we didn't hit 50 yet...but a Top 25 day Product is huge...and in the Top 100 for the week if we stay there I would be THRILLED....I went to bed with close to 50 followers of the project..so to me that is a win.. Thank you all and will continue to share all of these incredible updates

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David May
Working on a 48 hrs after results...and feedback I will share a TL;DR snapshot tomorrow as well as a link to post to see more about it. I am thinking of doing a 30 days after post 12/1 what I learned 30 days my first Product Hunt launch..would anyone be interested in that?