David May

Search Startup Jobs - final few hours - Gratitude Launch Day update

I am so incredibly thankful for everyone who supported the launch so far..Less than 30 days ago this was a domain sitting in my go daddy account waiting away. and started with an hey wait I can make this idea. This is version 1 of many and the first month of a VERY long and exciting journey. Made many great connections, and friends thus far. For being a non technical founder I wanted to make sure I had my message story and everything on point as well as the Journey and my why. I wanted jobs for real life seekers and employers I have done some unscaleable things but its all been so fun I was delivering 1 candidate a week - and so far have delivered 3 today! My goal for my personal internal competition was 50 votes - but I am so proud of what I put out there. Building in public has been incredible..I'm new at it but I want to share it all..its been a long day but excited to see what tomorrow brings.

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Paul Sutton
Congrats David, very cool! How did you go about getting your first business to post jobs on your platform?
David May
@robert_sutton1 Hey Paul! Thans for the question. So my day job, I have 8+ years of JOb board experience, Partnership/Sales etc. So, I had a challenge kind of chicken nd egg. I wont get seekers w/o jobs and companies wont pay me for 0 applicants. The EASYYYY way if this was a targeted niche board would be to get Indeed, Talroo, talent.com publisher accounts and get paid for backill jobs to get candidates and build that way. me being the nut case I am - I knew that wouldnt work I only want startups/ companies who were and are 8 years in and funded tech. INdeed has no filter. So to get proof of concept I have been manually adding Companies/Employers and their jobs. I have used my sales experience to prospect into a beneficial company for the demographic and I contorl the accounts for now. I am working on backfilling with scrapes to help me...but For now i want to build a relationship between candidate and mostly founders doing this hiring. Once I get a lead...directly to me no click traffic away just yet, or to a email i could find onlnie I hand delivery via email intro with the applicant profile...It will be 6-8 months before i have someone WANT to pay me, but thats fine If i cand eliver high quality Founding member, VP and developer applicants and 1 gets hired boom, then its hard not to include me/us in the recruiting pie. I am working ont he side to autmoate this all, but I wanted to share with you and this lovely community how all in I am as a non-tech founder to do the unscaleable things to build this beautiful community of Startup companies and candidates.
Paul Sutton
@dgmay310 Thank you for the explanation! I am currently facing a chicken and egg/cold start problem and was wondering how you overcame yours. Very impressive!
David May
@robert_sutton1 I would be so happy to help if I can. Me as a sales and GTM strategy expert I knew I would need to get my hands dirty and pound the pavement. Smile and dial..well in this case smile and manually add to my database...for most technical founders I can see my strngth as their weakness and vice versa, so most may try to code or dev their way out of it...but from 12+ years of relationship building it wont matter how pretty for either side in the marketplace if you cant tell your story and connect with people it will be a struggle..I most definitely would love to help if/where I can
Paul Sutton
@dgmay310 Thank you! You definitely have valuable experience coming from sales and marketing. I am building a platform called RealNurse that lets nurses rate their hospitals and submit compensation data. I am trying to figure out how to get a sufficient number of nurses to review their hospital up front so it becomes attractive enough for other nurses to visit the website. Let me know if you have any thoughts, and thank you in advance!
Upen V
Congratulations David on your first step. Keep building!!
David May
@upen946 thank you so much. after yesterday the love, feedback and support has stoke the fire to build more. Happy to have you along for the Journey
David May
The amount of gratitude I have for everyone genuinely curious in our journey is bananas...we've added almost 50% of votes to where we are at yesterday as a whole....and fascinated by how just getting your hands dirty and building literally ANYTHING there will be a support group...Cheers