Shubham Pratap Singh

Need community help and advice.


I am working on Safe Selection : I came up with this idea as as we all know, incidents of women being harassed or harmed by cab drivers are unfortunately becoming more common. It has become a growing concern in recent years, with many women feeling unsafe while using these services. So as a solution I created Safe Selection, a community-driven platform where users can share their experiences and help each other make informed decisions about their safety while traveling. But the biggest challenge I am facing is to convince users to start using the platform and add their reviews on every trip. We are focused on user generated genuine reviews so we are not adding any random and fake reviews from internet on the platform. But due to lack of data users are not engaging. Currently trying to figure out solution for this. Any advice or recommendation is highly appreciated :)

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A common but important method is to require users to write a review of their experience in order to see other users' reviews.
Carter Michael
Hey! I think email campaigns that ask for reviews a couple of times might be beneficial. It never hurts to follow up once or twice. If that's not helping, it could be a volume issue. Maybe you just need more users and then reviews will start to pour in. How many users are using it right now if you're able to say?
Shubham Pratap Singh
Thanks for your advice @carter_barnett , I will start email campaigns :) Currently it's about 100 users but they are not engaging much.
Carter Michael
@shubham_pratap Hey 100 users is great! You're doing something super notable so don't give up. I don't think there's anything wrong with asking for a review and reminding them that you're a new company. I hope it helps!
Shubham Pratap Singh
Yes @carter_barnett , I will do it :) Thanks alot, it really means a lot me :)
Simon Vecoli
Requesting feedback from customers via email campaigns many times might be useful. Following up once or twice is always a good idea.
Shubham Pratap Singh
Thank you @simonvecoli , I will definitely run an email campaigns. Maximum have suggested me for this approach. :)
David Cagigas
You can try email campaigns with existing users plus potential users as cold outreach. You can also think about incentive based reviews like maybe restricting users in a certain way and then allowing access when they write a review. Hope this helps!
Murali Gottumukkala
Shubam, I will certainly get back to you tomorrow and offer my help.
Richard Gao
Does Uber or other services not have a review system? I'd imagine that would be sufficient for most people I think a way to get more detailed reviews on cab drivers could be to offer some sort of bonus when someone leaves a review. Maybe they get a discount?
Shubham Pratap Singh
Thanks for engaging @richard_gao2 , Yes, Uber and other ride-sharing services do have a review system, but they don't necessarily show a quick safety score based on users votes. Safe Selection, on the other hand, provides an easy-to-search option that makes it simple for users to check the overall safety score of a cab or other location services quickly. Hope this helps clarify the need for Safe Selection.
Shahroz Ali
hey thanks for your advice i will start email compaign for