Riya Jawandhiya

Missed my streak at 64, thanks to Christmas holidays!


and now I am back 2, it feels bad. Any strategies to make sure this never happens again?

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Dzmitry Tsemirau
I also almost missed a streak during the holidays, twice. Fortunately, at the last minute I remembered it. Maybe set yourself a daily reminder on your phone?
Godstime Nwabue
I have missed my streak many times, with most instances occurring during my exam periods and a brief break I took. Additionally, there has been a lack of consistency on my part. Even at this moment, I am not consistently engaged to a significant extent. Currently, my routine involves coming online here, checking out the community, and possibly commenting on topics that align with my interests.
Nico Spijker
I think many people lost their streak this holiday season, back at 2 as well haha. Did you have fun during the holidays at least? :)
Roland Marlow
I did the same thing, 63 day streak gone. Starting over now.