Yaroslava Antipina πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

It's very important to engage with audience on your launch day!

Hi everyone! I just made this discussion to mention that it's essential to answer comments very-very quickly on your launch day. Please let everyone know that you'll be extremely busy with your audience on your PH launch day. It's not only about becoming #1; it's for receiving great feedback, improving your product, gathering your first clients, etc. Good luck with all your launches!

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Pritam Nanda
Yes. I agree with your point. To add a bit, launch date or not, it's good when you engage in meaningful and mutually interesting topics. You network is your net worth. One should nurture it.
Anastasiia Holiachenko πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Hi! I agree with you. There was the case when the community has left a few feedback comments on how the product could be improved (yeah, we were the two from those πŸ˜„). Thanks to the quick reaction of the product maker, he has processed the proposed features quickly and updated the product in 1-2 hours significantly. Feedback works here!
Elena Cirera
It is always essential to create a network with people; it becomes even more critical on launch day. The easiest way to expand your network is to build relationships with the audience around you.