Evgenii Anikin

🤔Is your upvotes count dramatically reduced to points?


Has anyone experienced a drop in upvotes after the transition to Points? We launched our project on November 20th and secured #2nd place. Our community was super excited, and we received over 700+ upvotes on launch day (811 total upvotes after a month). However, a couple of days ago, our upvotes were retroactively converted into 193 Points, and now it’s the only number displayed. Our community, which has been active and supportive on Product Hunt, feels disappointed and confused. Their support seems to have been disregarded and no longer reflected publicly. Do you think this retroactive recalculation and the new Points system is fair? Would love to hear your thoughts!

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Stepan Solodnev
I've been watching your product during the launch day. You have upvotes and points written in different places. The fact that the numbers are so different is quite strange, and I think unfair.
Evgenii Anikin
@solodnev I agree. I understand when upvotes and points differ slightly. But in my case, they differ 4 times!
Julia Yu
Yes, the votes for Unicorns Club's first launch were reduced too
Evgenii Anikin
@juliayugo How much has it decreased for you?
Dzmitry  Ivanou
I will also add that the numbers on the site seem to be mixed up and confused, it is not clear why this happens. For example, here on the page there are still two different numbers https://www.producthunt.com/post... - 193 and 811 on different widgets, although they should be the same. And why such a strange recalculation into points? What was the logic behind this recalculation? It looks as if our upvotes were taken away, while 800+ people voted for us, and 100+ comments were left. There is some kind of confusion. I kindly ask Product Hunt team to clarify and double-check the numbers for our project.
They something do with upvotes because when I comment something I see this:
Nha Hyerin
It seems like the upvote count may be converted to points to reflect more accurate or meaningful engagement, rather than just raw numbers. This can help prioritize quality over quantity.