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  • Is there a way to surf crypto waves without getting hurt?

    Femi Omoluabi
    0 replies
    Honestly, I am scaredy cat when it comes to day trading crypto. But I am not scared of investing. As a matter of fact, I am currently invested in some coins. However, my experience has been that I don't know when to "pull out." I never know. And it hurts like crazy. So I have been in several situations where coins I own skyrocketed and I saw profits in wallet grow as much as x5 and then, disappear as the coins cool down. It's a harrowing experience I have to tell you and I am sure I am not the only one living in this crypto fear hell. So, I am always like I invested at $5 then coin starts to clime and before you know it my worth is looking like $12. At that point I begin to think about pulling out i.e. swapping to a stable coin to wait out the inevitable cool down & following drop. My idea being to maybe pull out at $12, wait for it to drop to say $8 and then jump back in. At this point that idea is proving to be a fantasy. Several times when I have reached $12, I am afraid that if I pull and the coin continues to climb I lose. So I keep waiting hoping to be able to see when the drop is going to happen. Unfortunately being that I am employed and have many other responsibilities, I can't keep my eye on the constant fluctuations so some times when I check, it rises to $13, $14 and I am happy I didn't pull out just yet. Then it falls back to $12 and then back to $13 then to $11 to $10 then back to $12 and my heart is just going crazy. Eventually, I have always chosen to just leave and not kill myself with hypertension but what always happens is that eventually the coin does falls to $8 or $7 leaving me with only $2 in profit. Not that I am not grateful for the $2 profit but I can't stop thinking about how sweet it would have been is I had just pulled out at $12 waited till it drop to $7 or $8 to jump back in and keep some $4 profit aside as a win. Everytime everytime the waves always hit me bad like this. As I said, I am a scaredy cat. As you must be thinking, yes - I am a novice in trading. Not that I haven't been exposed to trading for a long time, but as someone who grew up hating school, hating mathematics and hating all my maths teachers, you can only imagine how much graphs and figures terrorize the leaving ish out of me. What I am saying is that I know about setting "take profit" and co, but the entire system is just to overwhelming for me. Which brings me back to the question in my question - Is there some streetwise system, some product out there or is there a way to closely predict drops? Is there a product that makes trading easy without the graphs and decimals and coefficients all those mathematics/ science jargons? Please! If you know something that can help me, come to my aid? #SOS
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