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  • I Am Terrified Of Artificial Intelligence.

    Femi Omoluabi
    0 replies
    It's not everything one has the power or wherewithal to do that one must do. If you are wise, you should be able to know that there are some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. Considering our track record as humans with technology, I am convinced that A.I is one of those boundaries we should not cross. See what we did with food-hunt technology to wage war. We went from arrows to javelins to guns to canons to mortars to artillery to dumb bombs to smart bombs to planes to missiles to drones to nukes. Now we all live on a knife's edge, sleeping with the duvet of mutually assured destruction and the end of mankind. See what we did with health tech to kill and destroy. We went from medicines to poisons to bio weapons, from Zyklon B to Anthrax and others, as we tailored medicine into death. We tailored and tailored until we released COVID-19 on ourselves, leaving millions dead, countries destroyed and millions without their breadwinners and loved ones, wallowing in poverty. We who did all the aforementioned are now the same ones toying with Artificial Intelligence. Yes, I think of A.I as a noun, a person or thing to be feared, so I use capital letters in reverence and submission. But why do we want to create this thing? The whole world agog and excited with ChatGPT, wilfully submitting ourselves, our thoughts, our writings, our culture as guinea pigs to train it. To kill us. We are acting like the mad scientists and faucies of Wuhan, who decided that to learn how to solve a nonexistent problem, they should create the problem to solve it. Like headless chickens, we are running around excited, singing A.I can do this. A.I can do that. Some people (according to The Great Elon Musk, who should know) are even teaching A.I how to lie, to cheat and to deceive. Humans training A.I to be "Human with unlimited intelligence and knowledge." Whereas, there's a reason that God Almighty who created humans made sure humans couldn't use the entirety of their brain power (studies have shown that humans only use 10% of our brains). Yet, as though we are convinced that God in His infinite wisdom was negligent in building in that 10% cap, we have decided to build something that has no emotions, feels no pain, has no loved ones and nothing to lose, but has astronomically infinitely more than our 10%. And we think we can control it? Are we thinking at all? Thank you for reading my rant.
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