Alina Salavatova

Is it possible to invent something new, or has everything already been invented?

How do you think, is it possible to come up with something new, or has everything already been invented?

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Jaspar Carmichael-Jack
**Combinations and Improvements**: Much of what we consider "new inventions" are often combinations or improvements upon existing technologies. Combining existing elements in innovative ways or refining existing technology can lead to significant advancements.
Victoriia Shymanska
As the saying goes: "The bicycle has already been invented" :) But I think even if the basis is similar to ready-made solutions, it doesn't mean that your product can be worse. After all, you can always add something new, modernize and show the uniqueness of your product
Xavier JJ
I don't think everything is already invented. There's always weakness on one product, focus on that weakness and you're new too!
Jonathan Tahiry
Think everything so far has been invented, but there are still ways to tweak the existing ones to build new ones!
Philipp Geppert
Given the fact that we are on the step into the age of Quantum computing, I think there will be lots of new inventions soon. Keep in mind that one of the major advantages of QC is that it will be possible to create completely new unknown materials to work with in the future. These themselves are inventions.
Kostya Bolshukhin
Basically, new breakthroughs usually reinvent staff. So definitely yes — new jobs — new features — new computing powers make a lot of common products look like a revelation. Like Notion, which looked so fresh at start, but in-depth it's reinvention of a lot of tiny workflows that made it look fresh
Kaushik Mukherjee
Good question. While a lot of things have in fact been invented there is always room to do things better basis whatever is already invented. Yes it is a lot harder to invent newer things because of the fact that so much innovation has already happened but remember before Facebook was Orkut and before Orkut there was MySpace :) so there’s that. But it is getting harder for sure
Marti F.R
At the end of the day, if you pay close attention, everything is a remix.
hhsjsj jxjdjj
Invention is a limitless journey! There's always room for new ideas and innovations. The possibilities are as vast as our imaginations. What's your take on this
Jos Bish
Off course dear, Yes, you can invent something new.
Mike Fitzbaxter
One of the greatest “inventions” of all time was a remix of existing technologies into a new format. -there’s always more to invent
There’s always room for something new to be invented. It just needs to be imagined.
Yes, you can definitely invent something new. I get how it feels to see lots of amazing new inventions all the time but that doesn't mean you can't come up with something that isn't already out there. If you can dream it, you can build it :)
Maxim Melnik
I think that the possibility of new inventions still exist. However, I find that the entry barrier of inventing or innovating is a higher price than it was 10 years ago. I think that there is a hidden inflation when it comes to creating new ideas or innovating existing ideas. The inflation that I'm talking about is the inflation of intelligence. As the world proceeds to get more complicated technologically, the price to pay for that Intelligence is higher because you need to know more and more every year to keep up.
Shajedul Karim
hmm, there's always room for new inventions. creativity and innovation don't have limits. we're constantly finding new problems, technologies, and perspectives. just think about how fast tech evolves. what's your take on inventing new things?
may be not but the world still need it
Ashley from Shadow
While the product may exist, I think the way in which you present it can always be new. It's sometimes about portraying the idea/innovation in a way that connects with others.
bartlett holloway
The first five nights at freddy's game was released in 2014 and was a huge success.