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  • Investors before product hunt launch?

    Matt Preston
    3 replies
    I'm a tech guy and have built what I think is an awesome product. Its soft launched and currently being tested and trialed by a few people. My background is totally in the tech world and although I know SEO very well that is a long term strategy. So what do I do about the short to medium term? I'm wondering if finding investors / partners is the best way to go before launching on Product Hunt. Have you done this? What I really need is someone with marketing background (and money!) to boost the exposure of the product and really get it out there. I've created an affiliate programme for it but still i think my creative / tech skills are best used at creating products rather than marketing them. Any advice / experience / words of wisdom would be gratefully appreciated!


    Logan Weaver
    To each their own! Every startup's story is different. We bootstrapped until Techstars and are glad we did, but if you're ready to launch now and just need to get in front of people & are confident in your numbers, I would raise a friends & family or angel round
    Matt Preston
    @logan_weaver I don't have any experience with angel rounds and would need guidance on where to spend anywhere (my background is tech not marketing). Also I'm not sure what "bootstrapped until Techstars" means.