Alvaro Villalba Perez

If you were to launch tomorrow, how would you drive traffic?

I was wondering, if you had an accidental launch: what would you do?

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Ride the accidental launch as best as I can, learn what I could from it, and continue with the plans for the next launch. A - Always. B - Be. L - Launching. 😆
Pablo Roig
Probably I would try a social media campaign, especially if my personal brand is quite developed.
Rene Bystron
@pabloroig_clous do you mean paid social media campaign? Can you please help elaborate? which platform do you use?
Pablo Roig
@rene_bystron Not really indeed, and it depends on your audience and budget. In first place, I would publish a powerful video about the building process, on linkedin and twitter, with a CTA of the PH launch. Then, I would offer a free great value information to the ones that share my post and follow in PH. And finally, I would try to reach the experts/influencers that can be interested in my product, to invite them to comment or repost and for exchange they can use for free.
Johaimalin Castillo
Launching soon!
Interesting. Accidental launch sounds scary. Like @pabloroig_clous I'd absolutely do a social media campaign and make use of my current network, do a lot of organic outreach and when budget allows, some ads.
Alvaro Villalba Perez
@pabloroig_clous @johaimalin_castillo some ads could be the right way, but tight budget in this super early stages! Leveraging existing network is a must
Just wondering, seems accidental launch is not 100% accidental as in any case you already made some preparations, at least having product page, maker comment, etc. And probably have some ongoing activities running. So I'd try to use everything did before, relax and be proactive in community and social media. And what would you do to drive more traffic?
Alvaro Villalba Perez
@oxana_ivanova as you say, it wasn't that accidental. We already got everything prepared. But this time we're making sure it's 100% well-thought! Thanks for the comment Oxan
I have come a way from 0 to Product Hunt in just 4 weeks and used only free methods to drive traffic. Described my strategy and results here
Prema Toppo
Launching soon!
Through discussion on PH and promotion on other channels.
Alvaro Villalba Perez
@prema_toppo how has it worked out for you?
Burak Gören
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