I humbly ask for support 🚀launching soon.

After supporting well over 200+ launches of this community, I ask if you could kindly support my launch. This is my first ever project and 2 years in the making 😅 https://www.producthunt.com/prod... I’ll always return the favor ♥️

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Annie Chopra
How exciting! Good luck
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
Nice "Coming soon" page Slim! Will support your great idea
Rich Watson
Following your product, will upvote when live. If you would kindly follow and support my upcoming launch producthunt.com/products/nvstly-social-investing
@richw can add the full link? It won’t let me click. But happy to return the favor
Rich Watson
@slimmy82 Can only post so many links in replies, doesn't let me post full link. Have to wait or send more messages without links to be able to link. Can just search "nvstly" it will be the first product you see. Thanks
Felya Bilgen
Waiting for it!!! 🚀
good luck with your launch! rock it 👊
Rajesh Bhimani
Good luck with your launch! :)
Michael Gammon
Sure Slim and good luck, we launch in 2 weeks
@michael_gammon then let’s support each other! Reach out on linked in!
Simon Peter Damian
Best of luck, notification turned on
Kellie O Hara
Hit the "notify me", looking forward to your launch!
@thestartupwhisperer you’re a rockstar Kellie, thank you
Anastasia Liamets
Good luck 🤞🏼 would love to support you!
Sjoerd Handgraaf
✅ Best of luck!
Anjali N
Good luck!! Signed up to be notified :)
Matej Cabadaj
Let's goooooo! 🤩
Aishwarya Hiwrale
Good luck! Waiting for it 🎉
Signed up, looking forward to it and good luck!
Elena Tsemirava
Looking forward to the launch. Good luck!
Noah Wittman
Of course!
Vipin Raj K
All the best for your launch. Take a look at our launch too @slimmy82 https://www.producthunt.com/prod... ..
@vipin_raj_k1 of course I just hit the follow button!!
Kate Ramakaieva
Hey Slim! We are there for you, excited for the launch! I have friends in real estate who will be interested to check it out!
@kate_ramakaieva omg amazing, happy to have them roam around the platform!!