John Morrison

How often do you check product hunt?

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Yassin Bouacherine
It's been every day since I started using PH.
Yassin Bouacherine
@john_morrison1 I have been using PH for 2 months now.
John Morrison
@jack95 How long have you been using PH?
Anastasiia K
@jack95 welcome to the club :) How do you like it here?
Yassin Bouacherine
@anastasiiahere For now it's been quite interesting! It's a very active community. To me, it's the best place to ask questions.
Elise Cannon
Wish I had the time to check more often 😅
John Morrison
@elise_sadu 😅 I usually check it while having breakfast
Anastasiia K
@john_morrison1 you are lucky :) I rush straight to the meetings usually, so PH only at night hours hehe
Elise Cannon
@john_morrison1 should have breakfast more often 😬
Anastasiia K
@john_morrison1 this must be a loooong breakfast to check all the updates and products :D
John Morrison
@anastasiiahere I like to take my time in the morning 😀
Kartal Erkoc
Every morning somewhere between 9-10 and some days also once towards the eod.
John Morrison
@kartal_erkoc1 I'm also checking it around that time. Usually while I have breakfast
Ivo Scherkamp
great question, John!
Irina Haupt
I am hooked. The ideas I read about on here are incredible.
John Morrison
@irina_haupt Some great innovation here, that's for sure.
Natallia Shakhmetava
Hm, good question! I check it every day, as for now, as we're going to launch soon) But usually, a few times per month.
John Morrison
@shakhmetava_natallia Good luck with the upcoming launch. 🤞
Jakub Piskor
It's at least 4 times a day since I'm active in discussions.
John Morrison
@jakub_piskor what kind of discussions are you usually part of?
Dávid Sipos
I can recommend you our new LinkedIn group where you get info last day's top 3 products:
John Morrison
@david_sipos1 Thanks Dávid, I have joined
Dávid Sipos
@john_morrison1 Welcome to the group
Maxime Néau
Every morning to check the new innovative products :) Sometimes at the end of the day to know which product standed out
John Morrison
@maximerepliq I am also checking every morning, usually during breakfast 🥐☕️
Murali Gottumukkala
Once a day
Daniyar Yeskaliyev
2-3 times a day, but every 'check' can be long if there are interesting discussions or products :)
John Morrison
@dan_yes Good point. I also find myself losing track of time on here
I check my PH 3-4 times a day...Get latest & breaking news of financial news startup.
every day 🥳
John Morrison
@baselog same here 😀
Csaba Zajdo
I'm active in discussions on the weekdays between 2 pm to 6 pm.
Anastasiia K
Oh this question makes me think I've become an addict haha. Trying to accomplish one week in a row turned out to be an exciting venture here. I do have PH open in one of the tabs to come and check what's up and what's new to get familiar with the platform :)
Sanjay Somashekar
I check PH twice or thrice daily. 1. New products overview - 10-15 minutes a day 2. Engagement in discussions for 10 minutes a day
Tony Garcia
Every other week, id say
Joshua Dance
I used to check it more.