What's your approach to post sign up user flow (in app)?
How do you evaluate its effectiveness and beyond that how are people grading if users like the onboarding experience?
@dzaitzow lets say you have 5 steps onboarding process. If you see a drop-off on step 3 you need to analyse why. What happens on step 3 that make people to drop-off. You may change a message; crate 2 version and A/B test it. Or, split this step in 2 to make people click through in smaller steps than "climb a cliff".
Yup! depends on your goals.
First, you need to find out what is the most important to the business and what is the most important to your users. Sometimes these can be the same things sometimes different. This will help you to understand what things to look for and ask users when they are walking you through the onboarding.
For example. Let's say you are trying to get users to understand how the product works then you could do the following.
Get them on a call and walk through the onboarding process with them. Let them go organically through each screen and talk out loud, then right before they reach the actual landing page of the product ask them to explain to you how the product works. See if what they expect matches how you want them to understand.
Just one example, but you get the idea. Happy to provide insight if you have a specific problem.