Nadir Arda Oral

How do you focus when you're bored with what you're doing?


While it is more comfortable to do things that do not require creativity and are not too tiring, repeating the same activity makes me bored while doing the work. I usually work by listening to music, but sometimes that is not enough. How do you entertain yourself while doing this kind of work?

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Steven Birchall
For me I find I need to create focus blocks. I remove as many distractions as possible and give myself a block of time I need to just work on that for, and cannot jump to anything else until that time is up. Then I will pick something more entertaining to do for a bit and then go back if needs be.
Nadir Arda Oral
@stevenbirchall So I remove anything that might interest me in the room where I work, including my phone! The method you have mentioned is the most effective solution, but sometimes, even if I remove things from my surroundings, many different issues can circulate in my mind.
Swapnil D Puranik
Shut off the laptop/screen of choice and take a 15-20 min walk in the garden or short drive or (and often the best alternative) yoga nidra. It resets you and your focus.
Nadir Arda Oral
@swapdp_01 Working and taking a break is definitely a better method. As I try to stay in front of the screen for long hours, my productivity decreases and I get more tired.
Jenny Zhai
Pomodoro helps!
Brittany Salas
Sometimes is just work and music is the savior!
Ali Tanwir
Taking a break and mindful breathing helps a lot.
Tibor Szantai
When you are bored with what you are doing, think about the thing that is making you bored. Ask yourself: ``Am I the kind of person who gets bored with this kind of work?
Nadir Arda Oral
@tibor_szantai2 What you say is quite correct. Maybe we don't like the department in which we work. On the other hand, I think that in most departments there are small and boring tasks, and we cannot escape from these.