Shiv Sangal

How do I network with other Gumroad Creators to collaborate on new products?

Last year, I applied to many gumroad accounts as an affiliate. I got approved by most of them. In fact, most of them were really paying good percentages as commissions. But the catch is that, I'm not a good seller. I took one year to realize this. Now, I've got to know that gumroad has allowed creators to co-create products and share the revenue. So, I'm looking for other creators with whom I co-create new products. I'm a freelance content writer. Last year, I started out on Gumroad with my ChatGPT Prompts Generator Excel Masterfile and it sold considerably. You can check more of my products on my gumroad link-

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One effective way to network with fellow Gumroad creators is by joining Gumroad's community forums and participating in discussions related to your niche. Additionally, reaching out directly to creators whose work you admire on social media platforms can pave the way for collaborative opportunities.
Shiv Sangal
@zijian Hi Gong. Consider me a noob in networking. Kindly suggest some of such Gumroad forums from your end.