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  • How do holidays like Thanksgiving affect the launch?

    Konstantin Elovenko
    9 replies
    We've launched our product and there's a little concern that because of the holidays, everyone is starting to get more distracted by their worries and household chores. What do you think?


    Nico Spijker
    There will definitely be less traffic than a regular Thursday. It'll probably not be as visible at the start of the day since it's mostly Europe/Asia, but US traffic won't pick up things as much as it usually does towards the end of the day. Also expect more meme/thanksgiving related launches.
    Konstantin Elovenko
    @nicolaas_spijker Don't know how you can revitalize people in the middle or near the end of the day?
    Konstantin Elovenko
    @nicolaas_spijker That's why we decided to launch today, in hopes that maybe the flow will still be normal. But I have a feeling it's a little sluggish today, too
    Nico Spijker
    @konstantin_elovenko Yeah loads of people have tomorrow off/companies have office parties. It's common for things to slow down either way though towards the end of the day, unless you have a lot of contacts in the US/Latam :/. (you'll see the same for other products as well)-- Went ahead and supported though, best of luck with your launch. ✨
    Konstantin Elovenko
    @nicolaas_spijker Thank you very much! It's a pleasure! So the only option is to knock in person to friends/acquaintances from there?
    Xavier JJ
    @nicolaas_spijker Do you think other platforms are the same? Whereby having a holiday lead to lesser traffic.
    Tornike Tsiramua
    Happy thanks giving from Georgia (country)
    Sarim Khalid
    Also planning on launching today so had the same question. I am not US-based unfortunately so did not even consider this...