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  • Are GPTs a new type of interface?

    Konstantin Elovenko
    1 reply
    More and more opportunities are opening up in the chatGPT space. You can make your own GPTs for a particular task, make any integrations and build different interaction logic. Doesn't this sound like a new type of interface?


    Barry Zheng
    GPTBLOX-ChatGPT Save Data
    GPTBLOX-ChatGPT Save Data
    GPTs as a new type of interface? Definitely! They're transforming the way we access and process information, moving towards a more dynamic and interactive model. This evolution allows for more natural and efficient interactions, especially in areas like customer service or data analysis. In your experience, how have GPTs changed the way you or your business operates? Also, in my endeavor with GPTBLOX, categorizing various GPTs, What opportunities do you see in the ChatGPT's categorization of these 8,000+ GPTs?