Andrew Ologunebi

How do animations improve the design/UX of a product? Any examples help too

Been thinking about the increasing use of various forms of animations (2D, 3D) in products, and some look really cool! (*cough* Duolingo *cough). But would love to hear some thoughts on this trend, or how to best leverage them?

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Anthony Martinez
Animations improve the design/UX of a product by enhancing user engagement and understanding through visual cues, such as the smooth transition in navigation menus in popular platforms like Slack, or the loading animations in Google's Material Design, which guide users' attention, provide feedback, and create a more intuitive and pleasurable experience.
Cartoon Hd App
Ibis Paint x for PC include a wide range of features, many of which have been traditionally exclusive to drawing application. It includes over 2100 materials, over 700 fonts, which provides 142 brushes, 37 filters, 46 screen tones, 27 blending modes, recording drawing processes, stroke stabilization feature.