Alexander Moen

Here's where you can post your company/product for free links


I previously did a post asking people to contribute their free directories and similar links. If your company doesn't have a physical location or a physical product, oftentimes most directories won't accept you. So, I took all of the submissions and put them into a list. I also included for you some descriptors if those directories only accept certain kinds of companies or products. Check out the list and be sure to submit your company websites too. Here you go: And, if there are any that I missed or you would like me to add, let me know in the comments here or on the website. Thank you.

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Praveen Kumar
@Alexander Moen, Hey thanks for the list. Really I was looking out for such websites which can list companies on their websites.
This is a great list @alexander_moen interestingly...whilst going through the lists and uploading images... I thought - wouldn't it be nice if there was a tool you could submit your info once that gets it distributed to the top directories..😢 The pain of re-sizing your images and copying and pasting your long/short descriptions aaah man... :)
Alexander Moen
@oluadedeji haha, yeah, I had those same pains. And I was looking through Fiverr for someone who could do it for cheap, but they all do local directory posts (which I guess kind of reinforces the need for a list like this).
@alexander_moen Hey dude...I am on the hunt for a tool that does this...I'll let you know if I find one. In the meantime I'll just crack on with cutting and pasting!
Ruben Wolff
Thanks for the list :)
Dawn Veltri
Excellent list. Thank you!!
Blake Wisz
wooo! Just launched thanks for all the support already!