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  • HELP! Despite having 190+ Upvotes, 230+ notified, we are nowhere in featured page.

    Sergiy Ovcharenko
    16 replies
    Seven hours after launching my product, we're still not displayed in the Featured Section. The Product Hunt Support doesn't respond to our emails. Any suggestions on how to address this issue? Has anyone else had a similar experience? Anyways, your support is greatly appreciated. Please take a look at our product and leave your feedback: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/huntly-2


    Jacob Choi
    I'm so sad to hear this! I clicked around a bit on the products that are being featured, and at the bottom of those launch pages it has active stats for the product below. When I click through to Huntly's the bottom is different and has different wording. Instead of "featured" it says "posted". https://www.producthunt.com/prod... also when I visit your product hub, it seems you have not launched any launches. I'm wondering if you made a post instead of officially launching. I hope this helps!
    Jacob Choi
    @sergiy_ovcharenko I'm wondering if anyone got back to your email or explained why it happened? We're launching next week and if there are any steps we can take to avoid it, that would be ideal! :(
    Sergiy Ovcharenko
    @jacob_boston Thanks for your support, Jacob. Somehow the issue is solved few minutes ago. And we are in the Featured Section, finally! Thanks again for your input.
    Sergiy Ovcharenko
    @jacob_boston Actually, after we finally appeared in the Featured Section, Product Hunt support replied to our email, confirming that our campaign is now featured. They also mentioned, "We receive hundreds of submissions daily, and while our mission is to amplify maker's voices, not everything can be displayed on the homepage. Product Hunt also retains the right to curate our homepage; we never guarantee that any particular post will be featured." So I don't think that it is possible to do smth in advance to avoid such situation. Good luck with your launch, by the way! Hope, everything will be fine.
    Jacob Choi
    @sergiy_ovcharenko Ahh, I see. We will keep that in mind going in. Thank you for sharing, Sergiy! And I want to say --circumstances aside that you still created a great product and finally launched it. That alone is worth celebrating so I hope you celebrate well!🍻 And thank you for your well wishes :) Staying tuned for your future launches as well! -Jacob
    Sergiy Ovcharenko
    @jacob_boston Don't forget to notify me about your launch! Me and my team will support.
    Sergei Rednev
    Yesterday I saw a similar case, about four hours later the issue was fixed. It looks like the issue is becoming systematic. Something needs to be done about this! Discussion https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    There is another product that are still not featured today https://www.producthunt.com/post... Their community supported them, but every hour they loose organic traffic! And support doesn't even response :(
    Kirill Grebenjukov
    I also read the similar discussion couple of days ago and @olenabomko mentioned that now it happens all the time. How to protect yourself from such?...
    Sergiy Ovcharenko
    @olenabomko @kgrebenjukov This is really sad. Luckily the issue is resolved and we are now showing up in the featured section. However, after 9 hours of invisibility, we lost a lot of organic traffic. At some points we slipped into the top 3. Now we have to catch up with the leaders again.
    Sergiy Ovcharenko
    Thank you, everyone, for your support! The problem has been resolved. However, we still missed lots of organic traffic. So now we need to work even harder to disseminate our launch among the Product Hunt community. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Hey man, 2 people posted few weeks earlier the same issue. Both of them contacted support both way via email and intercom. Later on their issue was solved. Please email Ph support and i hope your problem will be resolved as well.
    Hey i just checked your launch page and for 1 second its showing you guys are no #10th position. Then the ranking goes not visible. I think its a glitch. Once the problem is resolved by the PH support team, i believe you will be seeing your ranking.
    Bohdan Honyk
    @istiakahmad Thank you, Istiak. Everything is fine right now. And we are #7 at the moment. Continue working hard to desiminate our launch among the PH community. We lost so many organic upvotes while being invisible for about 10 hours...
    @bohdanhonyk Glad to hear you your page is back. I pray you will end up with a good result that you deserve. Have PH support told you anything specific, why it happened?
    Check this out > i have screen recorded it > https://komododecks.com/recordin...