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  • Have you used AI to create content marketing?

    Lukas deConantsesznak
    3 replies
    Have you used AI to create or enhance your content marketing? Maybe for generating content in terms of text, image, or videos? If you haven't, why not? If you have, what AI platforms have you used?


    Kate Chasten
    Definitely not. I use ChatGPT for ideas but that's it. Such tools suffer from certain issues such as : 1- Tending to be verbose ( I ask Chatgpt a question and it rambles on for three pages1) 2- Overly using certain words & structures 3- providing second-hand information, and 4- Following the same layout for every article. Honestly, at first, I thought it's a great tool for article writing, but I was wrong.
    Lukas deConantsesznak
    I'll start by saying that I certainly have! In one recent example, I used ChatGPT to help write a blog post, and then I used Midjourney to generate a multitude of amazing images for that same blog post!