Has anyone applied to YCombinator before?

Solomon Bush
8 replies
Have you submitted your startup to YC before? If so, what was your experience. Just submitted my startup for the Summer 22 batch :)


Ivan Ralic
Yes, but still not successfully 😅 For winter batch we were probably to late (we submitted it on 31st Dec.), but we'll try not to do that again 😂 I wish you all the luck with S22 batch! 🚀
Ivan Ralic
@solomon_bush I appreciate you coming back and clarifying this after figuring out the stats were wrong 😄 Yeah 50% is not bad at all 😄🚀
Solomon Bush
@ralic Well they say that 70% (or something like that) of every batch are previous-applicants. So, most of the people that get accepted don't get accepted their first time! But thanks for the well-wishes! Same to you! I'll post an update when I find out if I get an interview. :)
Solomon Bush
@ralic Actually, ~70% was a little generous. I just looked it up and they say "In a typical YC batch, about the half companies applied multiple times before being accepted." But ~50% is still really good, and statistically significant enough to favor applicants applying multiple times. So honestly it may work out for the best that you missed the W22 batch lol
@ralic Same thing here! Identical 😅 We will be applying next year too. Are you planning to try again?
Good luck Solomon!! Hopefully you'll get the results you are aiming for!
Solomon Bush
@konstantin_sharespace Thanks! Fingers-crossed!