Has anyone applied to YCombinator before?
Solomon Bush
8 replies
Have you submitted your startup to YC before? If so, what was your experience.
Just submitted my startup for the Summer 22 batch :)
Ivan Ralic@ralic
Yes, but still not successfully 😅
For winter batch we were probably to late (we submitted it on 31st Dec.), but we'll try not to do that again 😂
I wish you all the luck with S22 batch! 🚀
Log Harvestor
@ralic Actually, ~70% was a little generous. I just looked it up and they say "In a typical YC batch, about the half companies applied multiple times before being accepted." But ~50% is still really good, and statistically significant enough to favor applicants applying multiple times. So honestly it may work out for the best that you missed the W22 batch lol
Log Harvestor
@solomon_bush I appreciate you coming back and clarifying this after figuring out the stats were wrong 😄
Yeah 50% is not bad at all 😄🚀
Good luck Solomon!! Hopefully you'll get the results you are aiming for!
Log Harvestor
@konstantin_sharespace Thanks! Fingers-crossed!