Svitlana Palamarchuk

Google Chrome extensions overload - how many extensions do you have?


As the Chrome Web Store continues to swell with extensions, are we enhancing productivity or just creating a cluttered, confusing browser landscape?

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Marina Guastavino
I think it depends on what the extensios are for. If you use them on separete webpages or with different purposes, I don't see the risk of clutter while having many. Currently, I have: My own - Directo (find direct links for hotels and airbnbs) Toucan - language learning, getting new vocabulary Grammarly - better writting Google Translate - easy to translate phrases or a whole page Google Tag Assistant - to check if the tags/pixels I install on my websites are working Similar web - traffic info on different websites
Svitlana Palamarchuk
@m_guastavino You've presented a balanced view on the use of extensions, and it seems like you've found a good mix that works for you. It's particularly interesting to see how you use each extension for distinct purposes, keeping your browser organized. As the number of extensions grows, however, it can sometimes become challenging to keep track of all their functionalities and updates. How do you ensure that you're using all of them to their full potential?
Marina Guastavino
@svitlana_palamarchuk I haven't really run into that problem yet, I don't consider I gave very many. And maybe I'm not using them to their full potential, it's true, but they get what I need done, so that's enough for me.
I use only Grammarly)
Ryan Martinez
Ha, Chrome extensions are my kryptonite! I've got around 15 active ones right now. From productivity boosters like Trello and Grammarly to SEO aids like MozBar and Keywords Everywhere. The trick is to keep what truly helps your flow, anything beyond can become more of a distraction. Just don't get lost in the extension jungle!
Alexandre Mouriec
I also had an overload so decided to reduce. Here are my current ones: - Grammarly (an an non-native speaker) - Dashlane (password manager) - Pocket (my go-to read later app for years) - Grayscale the Web, an extension to put a grayscale filter on certain websites (to make website less distracting) - (to help me create design elements in Figma)
Alexandre Mouriec
@svitlana_palamarchuk Yes super useful on websites like LinkedIn and Twitter. It even feels weird to see them with colors after some time😄
Chrome has an insane user base and their app store is very small in comparison to, for example apple. There is a lot of opportunity. I do agree that feels starting to get cluttered with a huge influx of new apps that all do the same thing (Look at chatGPT extensions for example)
In my case, it makes me more productive.