When do you usually find yourself producing your best work/ completing tasks with ease? ✨
Personally - I love quiet mornings when most people are offline. The day is very quiet and I feel recharged.
@slimmy82 Yeah! I also try to avoid scheduling myself for 4-8, just need some time to get errands done or quick gym sesh. My thing about late nights is it can throw off my routine for the next day, but sometimes you just got to get it done you know. 🥲
I'm preparing myself to be an early riser. I believe morning hours are the most productive.
Giving my first 3-4 hours to my side projects, and then continuing with 9-6 job, and maintaining a 7-8 hours of good sleep could be the optimal productive cycle for me.
Honestly for me it doesn't work like that, whenever I put myself in a flow, turn out distractions, focus on the task - I can perform for multiple hours whatever the time of day it is.
in the morning, first thing. without looking at a phone or anything straight to planning and executing.
then break with some exercise, lunch and then back to it.
Hello Jacob! Working at night or early in the morning really suits me – it's the only time when my coffee cravings and my procrastination skills align perfectly.
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