Kate Ramakaieva

Ever feel like the weather can boost your productivity?

Do sunny days make you feel more motivated, or do you find rainy days cozy for working? πŸŒžβ˜”οΈ Here in Europe we now feel winter in the middle of spring, want to hibernate 😬

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Absolutely, just today was thinking about the same with all that sudden cold in Europe. From one side, when it's cold and grey, you don't have any desire to go out and can focus more on work. From other side, I still prefer to have sun, even in cold days, because it definitely boosts your mood and makes you feel more motivated.
@kate_ramakaieva totally! Every year I'm becoming more and more addicted to the sunny days and moving somewhere towards the south 😎
Kate Ramakaieva
@marina_bau my weather dependence grows with the age πŸ˜…
Vlada D
Yes! But as for me, I feel more productive when it's cold and rainy, and sunny, hot days make me feel really bad 😬
Nolan Wang
@vlada_d Saaame!
Zion Huang
@vlada_d same here
Anna Sazonova
Of course! My mood always depends on the weather. I think it called meteopathia
Constantine Stan.
Yes, of course it does! However, if it's super sunny all the time I'd feel like going for a walk or something. Having mixed weather is the best imo :)
Claudiu Cogalniceanu
Haha, absolutely! It’s been a weird couple of weeks with no sun, cold and rain, and every day I felt sleepyπŸ˜… I can’t wait for next week to get some sun!
Lisa Steingold
I love working when it's cold and rainy! When it's warm and sunny I just want to go out 😬
Lisa Steingold
@kate_ramakaieva totally although I can never see my screen if I sit on my terrace, and then I just want to go and ride my bicycle πŸ˜‚
Kate Ramakaieva
@lisa_steingold1 hahah, I just go out to my terrace with laptop, advantages of remote work 😎
Julia Engelsmann
Absolutely, right now the weather is really bad where I live. When the sun is already shining in the morning, I start the day much more motivated
Boris Markarian
Sometimes it seems to me that I work like a solar battery, because when it's sunny outside, I feel 3 times more productive rather than when it's cloudy
Amelia Charlie
Yes weather can boost our product
Poul merry
Milli Sen
Rainy days makes me lazy and sleepy :)
Priyanka Saini
Oh yeah, for sure! I love spring, and I can really feel a boost in my energy during this season. Winter, on the other hand, feels depressing when there's no sunshine.
Nolan Wang
Contrary to a lot of people, rainy days calm me down and make me feel way more productive!
Yes! I am more productive in sunny weather when it's not hot. The whole winter I hibernate as here it is cloudy 90% of time