Does my newsletter look helpful for early start up owners? (still WIP~)
Hi community! I'm Julia, I am a new maker, and along the maker journey I feel staying on top of AI news from different sources "Techcrunch / investments news / New product / community voices" is helpful for us to spot the right opportunity or pivot, but also time-consuming (I spent at least 3 hours/day). So I crafted "AI Big Little News," a newsletter for early startup owners, side hustlers, and AI enthusiasts. The goal is to provide a unique hacker view ("Ah I can hammer that out too!") of the daily AI news and save time for busy starters.
Now I just drafted the first sample post. Before going to far, I really want to hear from the community, does it look helpful to you? Any advice to adjust? Thanks a ton! π
Link: https://ai-big-little-news.beehi... (the news letter is still in working progress)
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Gift Note Writer
Gift Note Writer