Does it make sense to create marketing course when the market is full of them?
Honestly, I have been thinking about creating something for the last couple of weeks.
Maybe a marketing guide video course with written materials as well.
I write a lot about marketing topics in my newsletter and talk with founders on my YouTube but I know I can push it further.
My questions for you:
1️⃣ Does it make sense to create a marketing course right now?
2️⃣ What topics/areas from marketing are you interested in the most?
3️⃣ Do you have a good experience with any course? (name it)
4️⃣ What would be a just price for you?
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minimalist phone: creating folders
Elon Jump
minimalist phone: creating folders
minimalist phone: creating folders
minimalist phone: creating folders
minimalist phone: creating folders
minimalist phone: creating folders
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minimalist phone: creating folders