Oleg from FirstHR

Do you work on weekends?

Could you share your views on working on weekends?

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Edmundas (Eddy) Balčikonis
As a startup founder, I often work on weekends, when deadlines are approaching or some cool new customer signed up. But I also make specific plans to not work on some other weekends, to fully relax and rest before getting back to it. Also, as founder you have freedom to take a day of when you need it in the middle of the week too. Basically, make sure to get your rest and not to burn out!
Tony Tong
This is what weekend stands to me 🥲🥲 W.E.E.K.E.N.D. – “Work Every Evening, Keep Ending Nights Dark”
Stephany Oliveros
Mostly yes! the perks of a founder
Helen Xiong
Working is part of life.
Nick Anisimov
Depends on the situation. Of course, it is better to rest on weekends so as not to lose your working capacity during the week. But on weekends, it’s more convenient to quietly complete important tasks without distractions.
yes, I enjoy that :) because I like this sort of work
Jorge Alcántara
I usually leave the work I enjoy most for the weekend, mostly coding, some design. If something has to be done it will be done, but ideally the have-to-do's should be done earlier, leaving the nice-to-do's for the weekend. I personally look forward to the weekends where I can work on large features without interruptions. It even replaced gaming for me years back.
Yes, I usually get up around 5 am to work on my side projects and then stop once my kids are up. It’s not ideal, but there’s just not enough time in the week. 😅
Dima Isakov
I often work on weekends because my work gives me satisfaction. Although, of course, it never hurts to go on vacation and relax with my family. I just do it more often on weekdays than on weekends.
Katerina Dedyulya
really depends.. i try not to stick to week days or even time. It is abstract measure created by people who want to control imho
Stelios Sotiriadis
Yes, working on weekends is usually quieter! Fewer messages on Slack and tasks to complete!
Atakan Eryıldız
If you have a goal, you definitely work on the weekend 🔥🚀
Backie Links
I realized that I work on Weekends only
Alex Gordon-Furse
In bits and pieces based on necessity. But I often find weekends are best time for my brain to allow all the ideas accrued during the week to percolate so I can utilise the best ones in the subsequent working week
Ameer Omidvar
For me, what I do was always a hobby. I just enjoy it so much. So yes, I might as well work when I’m bored.