Do you struggle to come up with marketing ideas when you are a startup, small business, or solo?

Robert Taylor
4 replies
I wanted to base this question on something I’ve experienced personally. In the past few sales positions I’ve held in the tech industry, I’ve often been the main person generating marketing ideas. While others also have their own ideas, they often struggle to come up with concepts that can be measured or have a significant impact. I wanted to know if most smaller tech companies struggle with this, or if it’s just my experience.


Gurkaran Singh
Ah, the eternal struggle of brainstorming marketing ideas for startups - it's like searching for hidden Easter eggs in a vast digital jungle! Don't worry, you're definitely not alone in this tech-savvy maze. How do you usually kickstart your creative marketing process? It's like coding: sometimes you need to debug those ideas until you strike marketing gold!
Natalia Toth
Solo startup marketer here. I always have a lot of marketing ideas up my sleeve, what I lack is understanding which of them I should invest more to get the best ROI. And time, of course, because 8h/day is not enough to implement all of these ideas without burning out
Olie Fullin
You mentioned that you're the main person who comes up with marketing ideas, and I'm very curious as to where your inspiration usually comes from?
Robert Taylor
@jackeye well usually it comes from past experiences with other similar situations and trying to adapt other similar companies strategies to ours. At my current company we are a very niche product so there's not many competitors.