Do you list down the list of tasks you completed in a day, everyday? If yes, where?
Raghav Goyal
42 replies
Fabian Maume@fabian_maume
Warmup Inbox
Yes. I'm just speaking to myself on Slack. On message per task and I'm using the remind me feature a lot.
Warmup Inbox
I use a notebook to write up my ToDo list the night before. Then in the morning I review it and make a plan what to start working on.
As soon as I complete a task, I go to my ToDo list and cross it off - this gives me a feeling of small win and its nice :)
Around lunchtime I review it again and if priorities have changed I adjust it.
I feel like using a physical pen and notebook is more fulfilling for me :D
@atanas_georgiev2 Me too. You can always find me with my pocket notebook and pen. Fulfilling and wholesome :)
I use Todoist. Works like a charm for me! Seamless integration across my various devices
@shubhank_saxena Could you drop in the link for the same? website/app download
Launching soon!
white board, notion, paper
Second Brain for Engineering Managers
Definitely. It is so satisfying to mark tasks as complete. I use notion and you can check out my template aka system on Product Launch. Just search for The Creator System.
My company has a PMS Software (Product Management Software ) in which we list our tasks and working hours and a DSR which we sent to Team Lead
@jaskiran_kaur Hey that sounds helpful! Can you let me know the name of the software? I'm finding one for my teammates!
I use a white board as well as notion
@tom_grigory I LOVE WHITE BOARDS. But how do you make this sustainable for longer duration tasks, say week/month?
I use my notes in my iphone lol😂.
Healthy Relationship With Cats
It might be old school but I use bullet journal. I am not capable to draw anything, I print some pictures every month and use them to make good look. I make plans on there and if I did something extra I add that too. And I generally plan my frame of the day 2 or 3 days before and rest of the task is building accordingly.
@begum_bayram Making a list of things to do for the next day, the previous night, is great, gets you up and running right when you wake up!
Mental Models
Notion. I built my own task manager. If you'd like, I'll share a tutorial that I made of it.
@killshiva Hey that would be great. Where can i find this tutorial? Could you DM it to me?
Mental Models
Mental Models
I use notion to create a simple to-do list. I created a tutorial on how you can do the same =>
At the beginning of day i do and also put space for emergency work or instant work in that list
@chandan_shopify Hey that's a great idea. Adhoc tasks always come up in the day, keeping time for them, seems like a good idea
Yes, I use TMetric to log my tasks on a daily basis.
I used to write a to do list every morning and make sure to check things off the list by the end of the day. Recently I switched to entering all work related tasks on google sheets. I'm on the lookout for better sites/apps to help me do the same.
Yes. In my PaperClip Planner! I have a monthly calendar for confirmed events, classes. And a daily update on to-dos.
I write down in my diary but I think I need a writable wall where I can follow up the pending tasks, collate my thoughts and can connect all the dots together. For me when I write with my hand gives me the most satisfaction and thoughts to new ideas.