Gabriel Xará

Do you get intimidated by competitors?

I used to worry about the big players in the market and how they might overshadow my startup. But I’ve learned that with patience, persistence, and hard work, there’s always room for products created by passionate and dedicated individuals. Just keep pushing and you will eventually impact someone positively

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Bilal Asif
Absolutely, there are moments when I feel intimidated by competitors, especially when they seem to be ahead in ways that I admire or aspire to. But honestly, I’ve learned to reframe that feeling as a motivator rather than a setback. When I catch myself comparing, I remind myself that everyone’s journey is different, and my unique strengths are my real edge. Competitors push me to be better, and that’s something I’ve grown to appreciate even if it’s a little nerve-wracking at times! :)
Shawn Idrees
I’ve definitely been intimidated by bigger players before. Your perspective is really encouraging. I’ll keep pushing forward!
Alexander Galitsky
Yes. And I hope it’s mutual 🤝
Jiyo Root
I’ve been there too. What helped me was shifting my focus from competitors to customers and their needs.
Kavya Tripathi
Considering them as motivation works for me. Also realising that everyone has there own path.