Luis Enrique Medina

Do you get frustrated if people don't answer quickly?

I have noticed that depending on what social media / channel you use people will respond / react differently based on what platform they are on. Do you believe that this is due do the people or the channel they use? Let me know if you have noticed the same or not

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Eul Rho
Sometimes... but I try not to be. People we are reaching out should be busy and have to prioritize tasks exactly as we do. The message wasn't attractive to rure their attention if was not responded. I feel more challenging than frustrated.
Luis Enrique Medina
@eul_rho I guess it's also how the person prioritize your message or whether they have things going on. Agreed
YES...Bcoz of we feel rejected. Money Accounts mission is to save people money and help people navigate the complicated world of consumer finance.
Tibor Szantai
I do get a bit frustrated when people don't answer quickly, but it's not something I dwell on too long. People are often busy and their phones might be in the car or hands, but I've learned that if they're speaking to me and have an open time slot, they're going to take me in as soon as they can!
Luis Enrique Medina
@tibor_szantai2 Absolutely, context is crucial to understand why people act the way they do.
Ghost Kitty
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Csaba Zajdo
Sometimes people can take their time, especially when they are not sure how you want them to answer. Don't take it personally — realize that even if your question isn't immediately clear, that doesn't mean the person is ignoring you, just has a lot going on!
Luis Enrique Medina
@zajdo_csaba Very wise words. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason I suppose 👴🏼