
Do you do sports? Are there any lessons sports taught you?


And if possible, what impact does this have on your private life? And especially on your professional life?

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Abhinav Verma
Eh ! I wish I continued with sports. One thing I have learned watching sports a lot is this ability to endure and keep plugging away !
Pramit Marattha
Yeap! I enjoy playing table tennis, welp! It's not a strenuous sport, but it keeps me sane. 😁
@pramit_marattha It's It's very physical, I love playing it even if I suck at it ! Bravo
Dylan Merideth
soccer taught me that effort and strategic thinking and preparation can win against superior talent basketball taught me to play to my strengths snowboarding and skateboarding taught me purely to just stick with things, there is a lot of reward on the other side of struggling to learn something difficult for you
Dylan Merideth
@qudsia_ali thank you! Yeah I am not a gifted athlete by any means and I think thats precisely why it was such a good teacher overall! You play long enough and you see very small strengths start to arise in each sport, and those strengths ended up being things I carry with me still. Lots of humility involved in not being a gifted athlete, knowing and maximizing roles ends up being put deeply into practice.
Cristina Imre
Sports are literally a lifesaver, and all kids should start early in life. The chosen sports need to match character though. In my case, it taught me resilience and discipline, precious for everything that came next.
@cristinaimre Cheer ! That's a great explanation and I totally agree with you.
Marina Đurić
I'm a big sports junkie, so I trained around 10 different sports. My favorite would be rowing. It taught me that success takes time, patience, and practice. It showed me how unfair life and opportunities could be and how to handle such situations. Above all, it taught me to compete with myself only and stand up for myself and leave toxic environments if it drowns my energy.
@marina_djuric It's wonderful what you say. it is really the contribution of a sporting practice
Alex Zadorozhin
Chess taught the ability to concentrate and discard everything superfluous while solving problems. Basketball for me is a good opportunity to get away from everyday affairs.
@alex_zadorozhin Basketball is my favorite sport practice, but I like it so much that I live it as a game, a fun (unlike other sports I practice) it relaxes me so much
Luis Hernandez Peña
I practice running, cycling and calisthenics since I was 11. In augoust I will turn 50 and I'm still weight the same as when I was 20. And feel exactly the same! Exercice is as important as eating or sleeping to keep yourself healthy, strong and happy :)
@luishp I take my hat off to you! Bravo for this self-discipline and this insight, I admire the longevity of your practice of sport
Luis Hernandez Peña
@fares_aktouf Thank you! To tell the truth, once you get into the habit, discipline isn't that important. Take care!
@luishp Thank you for sharing your experience ! personally it motivates me and I hope it will motivate other people
Micky Nguyen
It is definitely Running. I used to really hate running cuz I think it's quite boring. But in the peak of Covid-19 happened in Vietnam last year, government did not allow people come to the gym. Running was the optimal choice.Then I am addicted to running naturally. Firstly, Running always charges me up and trains my patience. Being able to push you to spend at least 30mins- 1hours every day just for one repeated movement somehow makes you feel tedious at the beginning. Then, It is clear to understand that running is simple. You can utilize the time when you run to listen to beneficial audio books -> When running becomes your favorite habit, you not only get a healthy body but also acquire a lot of knowledge from audio books. yay! For me, Running is somehow similar to meditation. While running, you automatically only focus on your breath, your legs without miscellaneous thoughts. It makes you comfortable and relax. If you habitually run in the early morning, you can realize your day becomes meaningful with positivity. Especially, there are many running races that occasionally occur in big cities every year, It brings chances to build relationship with all enthusiastic runners from different regions, backgrounds.
@mickynguyen It's a wonderful course. well done. You are in Vietnam?! I have been competitors for many years in Vovinam / Việt Võ Đạo, which is a magnificent art! you should try it's phenomenal
Micky Nguyen
@fares_aktouf I am Vietnamese currently working in Ho Chi Minh city. Vovinam is one of a popular martial arts in Vietnam. I have never been tried it before but it sounds interesting!
Kate Kurshina
5 years of fitness! It was my passion) I learned how to get enough sleep and prioritize! I also married my trainer) oops)
Amelia Charlie
Chess is one of my favorite games because it helps me to focus.
@amelia_charlie Do you practice regularly? do you know chessboxing?
Amelia Charlie
@fares_aktoufNo, I practice it over my weekends. Yes, I know; Chessboxing is a chess-boxing hybrid in which full-contact boxing and chess round alternate. You can checkmate your opponent, knock out your opponent, win on time in chess, or have points in boxing.
Camille Adamczyk
Of course I do, twice a week at least! I think sports taught me how to be patient and that everything comes in time when you train on a regular basis :)
I love playing outdoor, I play football, table tennis, archery and I follow a lot of other ones too. You can learn a lot of life skills, especially if you are practicing a team sport. I would have very less qualities if I had not practiced sport.
Sakshi Gahlawat
I enjoy playing badminton, basketball, and volleyball. It has taught me that the only way to get better is to practice and have patience. Half of our battles are in the head. Sports taught me that if you don't believe you can do it, you have no chance at all. You need to have some faith in yourself!
Tony Yan
I do running. 3 or 4 times every week and I run about 10km each time.
@zhitao_yan it's excellent. and you manage to maintain the rhythm each week?
@zhitao_yan It's impressive ! Big UP ! How many km do you do per day?
Andrew Isherwood
Golf, I play to a high standard and have done for some time. It's uncanny how many similarities there are to running startup. 1. You can focus on improving one area to the detriment of another. 2. Sometimes things don't go right and it's just not your day. 3. There isn't a silver bullet, you've just got to keep practicing and playing (despite point 2). 4. Your round can be over with a single mistake. 5. No one cares about you till you get good, then everyone wants to speak to you and play with you. Fortunately, with a startup, you're not on your own. You go at it with a team.
Harish Kumar
I do badminton...was out of touch recently...Grit and determination are two things I learned and it helps me with my startup journey too.
Utku Uzun
I did kickboxing and I only learnt "never close your eyes." It caused a pretty good impact on my life. Now I don't blink my eyes even when some dangerous object is comming towards to my head. :D
@utkuuzun I have also long (very long) been a competitor in a combat sport. Are you sure it's not sooner never take your eyes off your opponent?
Personally, I have never practiced badminton! but when I see your testimony @harish_crawlq @nikita_pant @sakshi_gahlawat , as well as those of some of my friends or acquaintances. This really intrigues me, I really have to try! thank you for your answers
Janak Patel
I do swim regularly. Training and staying calm help you to stay afloat if you can not do anything else then.
Estelle Ducommun
Yoga isn't a sport, I know, but this discipline has brought me so much over the years. Yoga teaches you NOTHING is impossible (especially vinyasa). All those inversions or balance positions that might seem scary, with time, patience and effort, you will be able to do them. It's such a great feeling to learn to trust your body, and above all, to unlock your mind and interior fears. Because it's all about this : if you think you can't do it, it's because you're scared. So you try, you fall, you see how it feels, and then you're not scared to fall anymore!
@estelle_ducommun I find it brings a lot of similar qualities to sports, even though I've never really practiced. There is the side of surpassing oneself, of discipline, knowledge of one's personal abilities and limits (self-knowledge)