Saloni Jain

Do we have enough focus time for deep work?

Some of my days are full of calls & interruptions. Do you use any tool to help with this? If so, name a few!

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Satish Kumar
Yes and No. For me working in a startup having focus time is not available everytime. Times, when there are too many things happening that need your attention, kill your focus time. What I generally do is take some time out in the morning which helps me to tackle these scenarios.
Carter Michael
At my old agency job, definitely not. There was a ping/interruption about every 5-10 minutes making deep work impossible to do. I tried blocking off time to do deep work, and I found that to be the only thing that kind of helped. Not really a tool per say, just something I'd book in my own calendar or tell co-workers in advance.
Brenna Donoghue
Absolutely. Time blocking protected focused time (and then turning all my notifications off) works best for me. I use Morgen to do it... slightly biased!
Airport mode + a nice message saying you'll have time later, if you let people drive YOUR time, you're offering your attention to fulfill THEIR targets, not yours ;)
Jagrati Gupta
Not always. Personally, I get my focus time at night when I can get much more work done than I could do when I'm around people.
Guillaume Sá
Best tool: start to work at 6. From 6 to 10, there are usually few distractions!