@matt_harbord Interesting, in that case can you tell me how was your experience setting up that remote instance when you wanted more compute while using R and how much did it impact your entire workflow?
Do you relate to the idea that why we are dependent on your local machine's limited computing resources? Why can't we have access to limitless resources and also get the same experience of local development machine?
@ram_pasala can I ask for clarity on the question: I read the question as meaning "do you use a local or cloud based IDE while coding" - is that what you meant? Or are you just talking about using cloud services as part of the codebase?
@matt_harbord Yes, you understood it right. I wanted to know whether developers are comfortable enough to try out cloud dev environments and ide's, if not what is stop them to try or shift?
@ram_pasala from my perspective I'm just not sure why I would. Currently I've got 4 instances of VSCode open, countless terminal windows, and I'm only using chrome to look at Firestore / cloud logs and my open localhost. Mentally, I like the fact the code is 1) in a different app, and not just another browser tab, 2) it's stored locally (obviously it's all backed up remotely to git every so often) and 3) I can work on it without being online.
The only time I've used remote instances was when I was using R; but that was when I needed more computation than my laptop provided, so it made sense to run everything on that machine, and just interface with it through the local IDE. There's definitely a use case there for me when I have something computationally expensive.