Day 3: After Launch on Product Hunt
As expected, interest in the page is zero.
I can't say I'm upset. No, on the contrary, it's just a sign to me that I need to do better next time.
But what raises questions is the principle of project moderation. I noticed that several upvotes on my project have disappeared. Why? I went to look into it and found out that the PH system removes suspicious upvotes. What? Really?
Let's look at my situation. I asked my audience to support my project on Product Hunt. I'm sure most of them don't have a profile here. They signed up, backed my project, and left. And how will the moderation system evaluate this?
According to the rules of the site, I can ask for support from my audience, which I did. But the platform itself wants only active members of the community to upvote for projects. And this raises questions!
Additional stats after Day 3 of the launch on Product Hunt:
– 0 reviews;
+ 2 followers on my profile;
+ 6 followers on product profile;
+ 3 conversions to our website from Product Hunt.
Good luck with your next launches 😉
minimalist phone: creating folders