Dark Mode πŸ–€ or Light Mode 🀍?

Frank Sondors
38 replies
When using software, do you prefer Dark Mode or Light Mode from the get-go?


Dexter Awoyemi
I always have dark mode active, but I usually build software to detect the system's selected mode.
John Diaz
I almost always prefer light mode.
Max Yamp
Airdrop Tracker
Airdrop Tracker
Always Dark Mode: Just realised Product Hunt still do not have dark mode on web πŸ–€
Ryan Zhu
Dark Mode for professional apps / Light Mode for social & relaxing apps
Cosmin Muscălescu
Dark mode all the way! πŸ–€
James Hallahan
I seem to be in the minority who prefer light mode
Hamid Khan
Definitely the Dark Mode.
Ekrem Γ‡etinkaya
Once you switch to dark mode, there is no coming back
Frank Sondors
@ekrcet 100%. I wish Dark mode was the default everywhere.
Michael Scheiwiller
Although i have to say where the input is mostly text, i prefer litght mode...
Neha Khan
I am already blind enought to see in dark
Ghazal Dewar
Dark mode. Easy on the eyes.
Nuno Reis
Depends. Productivity/coding/others, I go Dark mode, but social, always Light mode :D (and adjusted screen light for time of the day)
Nuno Reis
@profy17 I do not know, to be honest. I feel the Light one gives me a better mood, I've tried LinkedIn in dark mode for example and it felt extremely lifeless and I felt less like engaging. It may actually be good to stop using socials xD but right now social is part of my job with my startup, so that may be hard eheh
Frank Sondors
@nuno_ms_reis Why is that for social? mmm
Definitely in the minority here lol i love light mode
Honestly, I can't decide between Dark Mode and Light Mode. It's like choosing between coffee and tea - both have their own perks πŸ˜‰ So for me both!
Dark Mode, helps me focus better.
Vladimir Malyavko
I don't know what is better still. I prefer dark mode in browser
Lacey Winter
No coming back from the Dark Side