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  • communicating your product benefits in the first order is key to selling your product effectively.

    Founders often think they've communicated their product benefits but they've only left their potential customers more confused because the benefit communicated is too broad and vague. Examples: 10x your revenue, Scale your product risk-free Yhere are multiple ways I can 10x my revenue or scale my product For the second example,you have to state exactly how you help me scale my product to get closer to the first order benefits I watched the product demo on the home page and I was able to come up with this value prop: Validate your product feature before launching(makes a better headline) What the tool does essentially is allow you test a new feature with a few seleted users so you can get feedback and ensure everything is working alright before launching it fully(makes a better sub-headline) Eventually, the users are able to scale their product risk-free by adding validated features one after the other But the very how is what the potential customers needs to know to get a clear idea of your value prop and this is the first order benefit.


    Gurkaran Singh
    Explaining the value of your product is like trying to find the perfect GIF response - specific and impactful is always better than vague and confusing! Let's make sure your customers get the full picture right from the first order benefit.