Neel Patel

Both my favorite launches today, do not push for upvotes!


Two great launches of the day are: Since they don't push people to upvote, I'd like some of my friends over here to check out their products and show some love 💜 Disclaimer: Noone is asking me to promote any products. if I like something, I amplify. So, please don't expect me to do the same for your products.

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Neel Patel
@johnrushx @fekdaoui I hope this helps a bit.
Vlad Zivkovic
@johnrushx @fekdaoui @neelptl2602 They didn't feature open source alternatives... Seems like we have double standards going on...
thanks for sharing Neel!
Kate Ramakaieva
Hi Neel! Supported! Please check your Twitter DM :) @neelptl2602
Selina Danny
Thanks for sharing
Sabaat Parasad
Thanks for sharing
Maria Anosova 🔥
Neel Patel you are great! (as usual) 🙂
Vlad Zivkovic
Great products! I would support them anyway.
Bigyan Karki
Great products!!
Oh hey Neel, will my product have pleasure to be your next favorite?
Launching soon!
I like: Startup Idea Validator.
Chris Lester
Thanks for sharing! Checking them both out now!
Adjoa Schmidt
wonderfull idea